Play Thai Chess, Also Known as Makruk

In Thailand, chess is played with makruk. It was created in India more than a thousand years ago. Cowry shells were employed as pawns in early versions of traditional Thai chess. The pawns were turned over to reveal their brighter sides when they were promoted. This is a prehistoric kind of chess that originated as the Indian game of chaturanga. This game encourages patience and strategy because it moves a little more slowly. Makruk is a more strategic variation of chess than standard chess, claims former world champion Vladimir Kramnik.

On an 8 by 8 square uncheckered board, the game is played. In terms of rank and starting setup, the pieces are comparable to those in Western Chess, however there are some 토토 variations in the moves. Makruk is a type of chess where the pawns are arranged in the third row. Both the first double step and the en-passant catch are prohibited.

When promoted, the Pawns—small, flat tokens called cowries—are turned upside down. The kings are not facing one another. The queen never advances more than one step diagonally and is always positioned to the right of the king. The bishop advances one square or moves one square diagonally. It is a strong item that serves as a solid King defender. The moves of the knight and rook are identical to those in chess. When the opposing King is mate, the game is over. A deadlock is a draw. Winning is difficult. The fact that a disadvantaged player is not really at all limited in his options is the reason why many Makruk matches finish in draws.

The original names for the pieces are:

  • King: Khun – leader. In the Siamese judicial system, the Khun was the lowest degree of conferred nobility (as opposed to inherited nobility).
  • Queen: Met – a fruitstone or pit. This is a fruit’s kerner, such as a cherry.
  • Bishop: Khon or Thon– Mask. The same phrase also refers to a traditional Thai royal theatre that makes use of these masks.
  • Knight: Ma – horse
  • Rook: Rua – boat
  • Pawn: Bia – shell of the cowry. Cowry shells were once employed as pawns in Thai sets as well as a very small amount of currency. This can be interpreted as follows: pawns equal change.


By many accounts, from a strategic perspective, Makruk is an even more precarious game than Western Chess. In Western Chess, you can choose an opening and pre-plan the first eight or ten moves of the game. You thoroughly research the opener you’ve decided on and become familiar with all of the potential variations.

Vladimir Kramnik, a former world chess champion, developed his Makruk skills and went even further in his evaluation. On the game, he said: “Makruk Thai is more strategic 토토사이트 than International Chess. You have to plan your operations with total care since Makruk Thai can be compared to an anticipated endgame of International Chess”.

Thai culture is heavily influenced by makruk, or Thai chess. It is an important national asset. People in Thailand cannot possibly picture Thailand without it because it has been a part of the nation’s history for such a long time.

In Cambodia and Thailand, makruk is still a popular game. This is without a doubt the most intriguing and clever game Thailand has ever created. A national Makruk tournament is held annually in Thailand, and the play standard is quite high. Among the 45 million people overall, there are 2 million gamers. In parks, cafes, and on sidewalks throughout Thailand, people can be seen playing this game. Compared to Western Chess, this game is much more common in the nation.

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